Updated salary for super
\n\n \n \n {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s maintained salary was higher\n than their actual salary at {{ reviewDate }}. You must use the\n AWOTE calculator again at {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s\n next salary review.\n \n \n {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s actual salary was higher than\n their maintained salary at {{ reviewDate }}. You don't need to\n use the AWOTE at {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s next salary\n review unless they have a further salary reduction.\n \n \n \n \n {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s maintained salary was higher\n than their actual salary at {{ reviewDate }}.\n \n \n {{ getFirstName(employeeName) }}'s actual salary was higher than\n their maintained salary at {{ reviewDate }}.\n \n \n
\n \n\n Salary reduction rules apply\n
\n Reduction rules do not apply\n
\n You haven’t printed or saved this calculation. If you start over, we\n won’t save this calculation.\n
\n\n All current data will be cleared.\n