Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2017–18

2. Our Performance

Our services to members

Table 4. CSC’s service performance: criteria and results

Performance criteria


Adequate satisfaction levels of members, beneficiaries and employers with the service provided. (SOURCE: CSC’s 2017–18 Corporate Plan, p. 5; 2017-18 Portfolio Budget Statements, p. 100)

Not achieved: CSC’s aggregated member Net Promoter Score was -5, below the target of +10.

Achieved: CSC’s employer Net Promoter Score was +21, above the target of +10.

Member satisfaction has increased, but is below our target

Although CSC’s aggregated member Net Promoter Score in 2018 was below our target of +10, our score increased by four points from 2017. This increase from -9 to -5 reflects growing member satisfaction with the service CSC provides. Further:

  • Five schemes scored a positive Net Promoter Score; two schemes (MilitarySuper and PSSap) scored a negative score, however, both schemes increased by five and six points respectively from 2017. This means that member satisfaction for both MilitarySuper and PSSap increased in the 12 months to 30 June 2018.
  • The increase in member satisfaction illustrates the success of initiatives we have put in place to improve the customer experience for members. Some of the initiatives are described in more detail below.

Employer satisfaction increased significantly

Our employer Net Promoter Score was also higher in 2018 than 2017, increasing by 16 points from +5 to +21 in the 12 months to 30 June 2018. This is well above our employer target score of +10, and affirms our work during 2017–18 to serve and strengthen our relationship with CSC’s many employer contacts.

How do we calculate Net Promoter Scores?

We surveyed members and employers in 2017–18:

  • We asked over 143,000 members: How likely would you be to recommend your scheme to a friend or family?
  • And we asked over 1,100 employer contacts: How likely are you to recommend CSC to a friend or colleague as their organisation’s default super fund based on your experience with CSC?

We then analysed their responses to calculate CSC’s member and employer Net Promoter Scores. (CSC’s aggregate member score was calculated using the individual scores for the CSS, PSS, MilitarySuper, PSSap, CSCri, ADF Super and DFRDB schemes.)

Why measure satisfaction with the Net Promoter Score?

The Net Promoter Score is a standard industry measure of member and employer satisfaction and loyalty to their particular superannuation fund. The score indicates how willing individual members and employer contacts are to advocate on behalf of their superannuation fund, or to recommend their fund to other people.

How we use the results of Net Promoter Score surveys

The insights we gained from the Net Promoter Score surveys inform our engagement plans and improvement programs for members and employers. As part of the process we identified the drivers that increase member satisfaction, and why these same drivers were not met for some MilitarySuper and PSSap members—knowing this allows us to improve our service to those members.

The key drivers of member satisfaction

The four key drivers of CSC member satisfaction are:

  1. Believing CSC is easy and effective to deal with; for example, believing we consistently meet members’ expectations by using our unique knowledge and experience to satisfy their individual superannuation needs;
  2. Feeling positive about CSC and members’ individual scheme; for example, trusting us, thinking we act fairly, and believing we are the obvious choice for their own super;
  3. Believing we are always helpful; for example, believing we listen, act in members’ best interests, and provide value beyond just financial value; and
  4. Believing we achieve positive outcomes; for example, believing that we are committed to helping members build their future wealth, that we tailor investment choices to meet individual need, and that we help achieve individual investment objectives.

Our Net Promoter Scores for 2018 reveal that we meet the four key drivers of member satisfaction for many members. But the scores also show that these drivers are not met for the average MilitarySuper or PSSap member.

When some members are not satisfied

Our research identified two scenarios where the four key drivers of member satisfaction are not met for the typical MilitarySuper or PSSap member; these scenarios are:

  • when a member cannot get the outcome they want from their CSC super (often because of legislation), and
  • when a member encounters a ‘pain point’ when using CSC services.

Some of our improvements in 2017–18

  • We rewrote many of our communications, like letters to members, in a more empathetic tone of voice and in simpler and clearer language. We want to be sure that members do not feel misunderstood or disrespected in their dealings with CSC.
  • We consolidated 11 websites into one website, which means members can find the information they need more easily. This addresses feedback that some members had difficulty quickly locating information online.
  • We opened a walk-in shopfront for members and employers at 7 London Circuit in central Canberra in March 2018. Members can now speak in person on many matters about their super, like how to correctly fill in benefit application forms.

These are just three of many initiatives we undertook in 2017–18 to make managing superannuation easier for our members. As trustee of some of Australia’s most complex superannuation schemes, CSC initiates many improvements each year to help members make sense of their superannuation and to act effectively for their future income needs. See the Chair’s Report for more of our initiatives for 2017–18.

Our customer value proposition

All initiatives we undertake deliver on CSC’s customer value proposition: Committed service for the future wealth of our members. It is pleasing to note that member satisfaction with our individual super services, such as our educational seminars and financial advice service, remained high in 2017–18. See above for more information about member satisfaction with CSC’s individual services.

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